Beautiful peony was in the Cafe Piano's Christmas Market at Suodenniemi today evening. The atmosphere was Christmassy already there, some Christmas carols, nice people and delicious to eat.
This busy week continues, the husband will be in Sweden this week and I have more nice things to do. Good night and hugs!
Thank you Minna ( ) for giving me the Liebster Blog Award! The Liebster Blog Award is given to bloggers with less than 200 followers that a blogger feels should get some recognition. “Liebster” is German for “favorite”. This award is the “favorite blog award” then. Warm thanks!
There are so many beautiful bloggers out there to choose from. So I think it’s better to invite anyone with less than 200 followers to participate. Just let me know and I can add a link to your blog.
I bought green and red paint... I don't remember if I have bought never earlier, always white or grey and sometimes black... And I made a game for children. It should looks like Angry birds game and it has the same rules as finnish "mölkky". Easy and fun! Have a funny weekend!